60 to 90 ft, my salmonice season were 40 hrs on ice , caught 25 salmon, 3 whities , 1 laker, big one was 17 lbs salmon, 13 lb laker. lost 7 at the hole, missed to many to count. w When the sammies hit it is hard. takes about a good 20 min. plus to get em in .the 17 took about an hr. it is the ultimate adrenalin rush fighting them , they come up see light at the hole , then down they go again,and very smart they are constantly riiming the hole to break line under the ice. . 2 day was my last day out , watched a couple guys go for aswim beside me.i think they were rookies, u dont step on white ice that is about 2 ft o.d when you have black ice all around . rule of thumb the crappier the ice the better the fishin. lol, this is a real small window of opportunity for these fish as it varies every yr as to when they come in, and if there is ice .2day if i didnt know any better i would have thought my vex/ hummingbird was broke as the bottom 10 ft of water was black with fish during mu time out 2day. i use both vexilar, and hummingbird 565. the latter tells me the depths of fish, use vex for locating spoon , also tells when to get ready for the hit. nothing like these fish caught off of ice the best for taste and flavour ,fight.. my rod used was a 4 fter, line was 8 lb, i go light this way more hits, most guys use 10 to 12 lb test, with a spoon -bare, no meat on hook, no eggs either , although eggs r used for the whities/ lakers. cheers, dan