Made it out Sat. (Fishing around Scotch Bonnet) for about 8 hours of fishing and only managed 3 Chinook, 12 - 8 - and a shaker. All three fish were taken with a Rack "blue berry muffin" spoon (number 34 I think) down 105 and 115 feet of chain over 150.
Sunday proved much better for results. We fished for only 4 hour's and boated 6. We picked up 24, 22, 18, 15, 10 and another shaker. All the fish taken with a Rack "blue berry muffin" spoon down 95 feet and 100 feet of chain over 120 - 140 feet of water.
The big lake was like a plate of glass both day's, absolutely great fishing conditions. Lot's of big marks in and around the bonnet as well as McFall's shoal.
Hope this helps and I can't wait for next Saturday. Bass are great fun to catch. Walleye are a sporting fish and fantastic table fair, but nothing beats the line screaming fight of big Chinook Salmon in deep water!!!
CC Lad