ouch, you have seen me catch fish twice bud... you saw me hook a fish bad, and what did i do, i kept it, because i wasnt sure if it was going to make it.. you keep it in the live well, take the quater pound pentaly, find some one thats going to eat it... but your right, what i do and other guys do.. different story..
winning or losing meanins nothing to me, its all about doing the right thing, if i didnt think i could keep fish alive with out harming them, i wouldnt fish tournaments.. havent lost a fish yet. but how often does it really happen bass fishing ?? pike fishing different story..
when you say you dont agree with tournys you mean all tournys ?, and i get your point dead on.. including salmon walleye, etc.
i am the wrong person to judge for edicate.. i take kids with there dads or moms, fishing often, if they are on the dock, and i am going by my self, i offer, if a kid gives me a had with the boat etc, i toss them a bait, and not cheap lures, nice lucky craft stuff... its not because i can afford it, its because the person i am.. i work a ton, to be able to afford the fishing i do...
wasnt actualy reffering to you... your canadian now, but i think this is what the americans down south i know belive when it comes to fishing, off course, i am reffering to the ones i know, not the actualy people down south...
live wells should be outlawed and taken off ALL boats! See i take that as you say all fish should be kept...
i dont do fishing reports, not my thing, i only do mile stones, if i catch a new pb bass, walleye, rock bass, etc, i will take a picture and show it but, when your on the water 3-5 times a week, i would be uploading and resizing pictures every night.. guess you missed my new drop shot/ slammer p.b. 12 pound sheep head.. on 8 pound floro. like i said, i often fish alone, so pictures are normaly of just the fish, hard to hold it and take a picture..
What kind of blue gill tournament are we talking here ?? size, amount ?? live bait, no live bait ?? actualy sounds like fun, but of course your right, i would probly get my butt vs a feild of 5 year old kids, 1 on 1, i would still lose, would be to busy giving the kid a hand, and i would feel horrible if i won... the kids are the future of are sport..
As allways grizz, your allways welcome in my boat... but no team land shark thongs, have heard rumor of those... (should of said night mare) steve