Well targa2 here goes,
My last comments on this! We'll have to respectfully agreee to disagree.
I for one haven't made a rebuttal to your post for the simple reason I knew it could degrade to a sparring match over the 'net so to speak. Much like what's happening now between you and bear. I don't want to make enemies here, I want us all to get along, fish and
share tips and tactics.
I totally understand your logic about saying too much, I just don't happen to agree with it, to a point.
The intent of the board I'm sure was, and is to disseminate information on fishing in the Quinte region. Dan, if I'm wrong, please correct me. It's helping all the businesses in the area like the charters, motels, restauraunts and bait and tackle shops.
You refer to a good percentage of the people here as freeloaders, namely those that just want the easy way out, or don't want to put the time or money in. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe some of them can’t? Wether it's for financial reasons, they don't have their own boat, whatever.
They come from far and wide and for the most part are here but a few days, a couple times a season at best. You by your own admission are here quite often. I'd be willing to bet you yourself gleamed a fair amount of knowledge from the board yourself, no?
think I know what Bear is trying to get across as well, again, correct me if I'm wrong Bear but, I believe he's (Bear) saying that you (targa2) feel anyone who doesn't spend a lot of money on gear, or with charters such as your own is freeloading off the system so to speak and doesn't deserve to fish here. Many of them offer up information themselves after a few trips, thus contributing as well. What worked, what didn't. That's Bad?
You've spent a lot of time and a lot of money to know what you know which is great, good for you. But if I can get the same information free, or pass it on to individuals willing to absorb it all, why not? What have I done to hurt the fishery?
It sounds like you're pissed at the
real people who are responsible for the condition of the fishery but, your blaming the casual fisherman.
As far as bragging to other boards, I don't know if that was targeted at me in particular as it's no secret, I do belong to another board but, it's certainly not specifically a Walleye board, and the
ONLY time Quinte is mentioned, is usually in the fall. But then, that board is unique, people help each other
What a concept
If you're doing so well over in your little corner of the world great, good for you. I should think you would just quietly carry on with your fishing and sit there laughing at the rest of us.
You come across as you don't want anyone around you, or interfering with your boat patterns, or taking your parking space. I would suggest nicely, put your energies into stopping the real people hurting the fishery here, we all know who they are.
There are a few making comments about how they agree with you. Can you tell me why they come to this board then if it's not to gleam info? Based on that, all these people think it's alright to collect the info from here, just don't tell anyone how well you do when you put in into practice.
I for one think I've learned a little something from this. I will still post my results with some info but, I'll try be more disciplined with how
much I say in an open post as I do understand your point completely. But at the same time, if anyone asks me for more specific information via a PM, I will be only too happy to oblige.
Good luck with the rest of your season
Discussion closed...for me
To captain hank
Now when I hear about this sort of thing, this is where I totoally understand targa2's point, completely. But!!! Deal with this situation, that's how you stop this sort of thing.
captain hank wrote:
The internet, or those who RELY on it for fishing information, will ultimately lead to the detriment of Quinte over time, just as it has for many smaller lakes. I was fishing on the BOQ on Friday night and witnessed two men fishing from shore. Tied to the dock was a stringer containing 6 walleyes (smallest was approx. 8 lbs). I had to do everything to not throw them both in the water and release the fish. This is the point. The internet attracts many freeloaders who abuse the fishery - from shore and from boat. I am seeing it more and more. The boat launch issue is a just one.
One question,
Is there any particular reason you didn't just sit there, and call the MNR on these fellows? You make no mention of that. Is that non-action in itself not abusing the fishery?
Remember, it's a question, not an attack