Well iv'e been reading all the chatter on how the fishery is done and QUINTE IS DEAD , blaming netters and Natives , BULL , We fished the same spots that we always fish for the opener and we caught the same amount of fish we always manage , seen lots and lots of small two and three pounders brought to the scales , Yes it was a little slower than usual, that was due to the super moon and the early spawn , I would almost bet that this weekend will produce awesome catches , If the spawn is early the area from Desi to belleville is always quiet , if the spawn is late the Mohawk bay will produce tons of small males and Picton bay will produce monsters , all in all it was what to be expected , one thing i will say is that the guys that are out Fri evening running and gunning their boats all over the prime fishing areas are just driving the fish deep , Quiet and slow is the key on opening day , It was good to run into Superdad and his bride ,i guess she was giving him some lessons on catching weigh worthy fish ...LOL ,also talked to Paul Greatfull fisher good to see your recovering nicely ; Keep your lines wet ..... Bill