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Fishing Reports for the Bay of Quinte
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:40 pm 
Walleye Master
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Im workin on a petition and a group for facebook to have members sign up and post pics of what they see and what they think on this issue. Im going to submit my petition to OFAH to see if they would be interested in helping in this process. Mux stop drinking the MUX URINE J/J! Every year sure it comes up but then noone keeps fighting after the spawn is over, I plan on making this a year long fight until my voice is heard from people in a higher authority! Perhaps even starting a walleye club in this area to help promote our resources would help as well! I also would one day like to see fish ladders along the dams on the Moira River to help get the salmon/trout up further and perhaps have those people that snag them be enforced as well.... call me a dreamer....... but Im a believer in change!

PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:07 pm 
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Marty I have been going to fishing shows for over 20 years and talked to a lot of tv fisherman and found that they all have there favorite spots and times on quinte. It maybe worth contacting some of the guys and see if they would be interested in backing you in your battle. Darryl Choronzy could be some help on his show it seems like he knows some good contacts.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:25 pm 
Walleye Angler

Joined: Sat Dec 23, 2006 7:09 pm
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As soon as you get it going let me know!!!In the past we did not have the internet to fight, GREAT TOOL for videos etc,etc everone I mean everyone can see, read, or hear what is going on and email every website, govt agency, newspaper possible the list is endless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to Pro Advantage

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:29 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:23 pm
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Interesting article from a while back published in the Trentonian...

Jack Le Blanc / The Trentonian April 11, 2007

The spawning season has begun and local environmental activist Scott Anderson begins his unrelenting fight against the sale of the Mercury contaminated Walleye that have been speared or gill netted on the banks of the Trent, Moira and Salmon Rivers, processed by native Canadians on the tailgates of trucks and picnic tables, washed in untreated water and sold all in the name of a fast buck.

Anderson is no stranger to taking on controversial causes. He’s protested the native deer hunt in Presqu’ile Provincial Park as a former Brighton Township councillor, and was charged with trespassing.

He’s fighting the federal government ban on use of the pristine beaches of the former weapons testing ground more commonly known as Bald Head Beach.

And he’s been charged in the past for protesting native spring spearing of Walleye on the Moira.

Anderson wanted his day in court, had his say, and lost. Still, he hasn’t given up.

Anderson charges, despite warning pregnant women, women of childbearing age and children not to consume oversize walleye because of contaminants, the province turns a blind eye to this unregulated, unmonitored fishery which originally began with “permission” to the Mohawks of The Bay of Quinte a decade ago to harvest and sell 2.000 walleye at a Powwow at the Sky Dome.

MNR native liaison officers cautioned that these large fish were considered contaminated and “unfit for human consumption,” but that seemed to be the extent of official concern expressed, Anderson says.

The process of selling un-inspected, contaminated fish to unsuspecting consumers continues to this day, he says.

“Permission was supposed to be a one-time deal but it opened the floodgates to a full scale ‘unregulated commercial fishery’ by both on-reserve and off-reserve native band card holders,” he says. “Thousands of pounds of Bay of Quinte walleye have been ‘harvested’ for illegal sale in the Toronto market.

Anderson fears consumers of the contaminated fish, particularly children and pregnant women, believe they are eating fish that are inspected and processed in sanitary conditions by fully licensed, regulated commercial fishermen.

Anderson admits his attempts to “try to put an end to this illegal activity have fallen on deaf ears.

“The time for provincial monitoring of this situation is over,” he says. “The courts have ruled no one has a traditional or treaty right to conduct and unregulated harvest of wildlife in the Quinte area. It is time for the leaders of all provincial political parties to enforce the law and abide by the court rulings and put an end to this “unregulated fishery.”

Anderson calls on the province to create a task force of Ministry of Natural Resources, OPP and municipal police and native police services, “all of whom have the authority and the duty to enforce provincial wildlife regulations. You can also have the Ontario Health Unit inspectors lay charges for violations under the food safety act.”

Anderson said he couldn’t get political action on his concerns even by threatening to take them to the media; that despite an MNR sting operation that confiscated walleye from the Bay of Quinte for sale in Toronto that had up to five times the acceptable level of mercury contamination. The suppliers of the contaminated fish were never prosecuted, and the reason never made clear, he says.

In my opinion it is the duty of Natives to make sure their own kind abide by the rules. Thing is none of them really give a crap about anything (just look at what a disgrace the reserve has become with all the 'we sell bags of smokes' signs and fake stores put up for tax evasion purposes). It is a decaying culture with no sense of pride or respect (self respect that is). They can blame the "white man" (most of them are white now aswell) all they want but in the end they need to look in the mirror and take accountability for their own actions and shortcomings.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:46 pm 

Joined: Mon Nov 12, 2007 7:51 pm
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here is some thing that will get you going if you don't know by now is that the mohawks aren't even Canadian they're american from upper newyork state.so hundreds of millions of Canadian tax payers money going to them to live, from the day their canoe got blown over lake ontario to date.if they want to keep living like this ,when the government grows a pair of balls ,they should be sent back to the states or send up to bum **** no where and make them live like they did in 1800's.give the white people the things you rely on for everyday use that we invented &go back to the old way of living.what are the chances of the government growing a pair,slim eh.keep up the fight people and i wish i could help ,i'm going to see if i can contact Cronzy to get him going on this.westlake willows guy,trust me on what i said earlier in posting's,get with the rest of the people in their fight,don't listen to the mnr.also has anybody seen any milking going on,i thought so,billions of eggs going to the garbage while their parents goes to Toronto for supper lol.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 6:15 am 
Walleye Master

Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:31 am
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lol. truth be known the Mohawks sided with the british in the revolutionary war so when we pushed the loyalist up across the border we pushed the mohawks right along with them lol . and a lil tid bit state side....... here the Natives can do as they please...... ON THE RESERVATION. off the reservation they must follow white man rules and laws

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 7:36 am 

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as they should here to,grizz.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 7:39 am 

Joined: Wed Dec 08, 2004 12:21 pm
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Grizzly wrote:
here the Natives can do as they please...... ON THE RESERVATION. off the reservation they must follow white man rules and laws

Was it not like this here up until about 10 or 15 years ago? If I recall correctly they did not always come to Belleville/Trenton.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 8:51 am 
Walleye Master
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I'm not on here to debate pushing anyone, anywhere.... I would just like to see some enforcement with the trail and also would be nice to stop the selling of unmonitored fish, that's not why there given the right to spear. Dont forget how much the Mohawks helped in the liberation!!!! Many Aborignals have also helped fights wars, much respect to them that fought for our freedom. Read a book on the War of 1812 and you can more understand how were connected to them. Haber if you think about what your saying, were not Canadian then, were British......

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 10:05 am 
Walleye Catcher
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I agree martycoo, a little discretion and self control on their part and this would be a non-issue. As there is alsways going to be the few that spoil it for all, enforcement must be put in place.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 10:52 am 
Walleye Angler
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Martycoo, I'm a MuxUrine (tm) producer, not a consumer. The label clearly states that MuxUrine (tm) is not fit for human consumption due to its caustic nature. Now, moving on.....

Someone said that the goverment needs to grow a pair? Not not going to happen. Regardless of which stripe is in power at what time, natives spearing walleye is a non-issue and a non-starter. Hell, if the fish populations drop dramatically, they'll just impose a slot limit, or raise the price of a sportfishing license, maybe charge an extra tax on marine fuel. That'll solve it.

The Federal/Provincial/Municipal governments can't even get a handle on contraband tobacco, and there's millions of dollars of lost excise taxes associated with that "industry".

"Grow a pair"? My ass. All you have to do is look at the past ten years in this Province alone, we've had Ipperwash, Kanata(kawasaki?), Stony Creek, Parry Sound all turn into native stand-offs where's there's been no regard for rule of law or respect for law enforcement.

Just up Hwy 11, outside of Bradford is a 50' trailer with an advertisement on the side of it stating "All Crown Lands are Native Property".

As for a "couple bad ones" causing the problem : you actually think that if these "bad ones" are nabbed and prosecuted that they won't be backed up by their "community"? There'll be cries of "discrimination" and "abuse". Maybe you didn't see where there's a comedienne in court right now over her lesbian comments during a show that hurt someone's little feelings.

The whole country has gone completely liberal, we worship the God of the Politically Correct, we give up our traditions to appease anyone. In this country, if a 16yr old drunk kid on a SeaDoo runs over and kills two girls in a canoe, you don't nail the drunk 16yr old, you make everyone get a boating "license". If a couple of career criminals rob a gas station in Vaughan, you make everyone in Kapuskasing register their deer rifles. If three kids get hammered on a golf course and wreck their car on the way home, take away the golf course liquor license. After all, individuals aren't responsible for their own behaviour, it's the responsibility of the government to impose rules and laws on us and to regulate our behaviour. They'll look after us, they know what's best, don't you worry your pretty, little head about it.

And you think that the government gives an airborne fornication over a couple of fish in eastern Ontario once a year? I think you'd be better off trying to repeal the law of gravity or outlawing cancer.

Like I said, we're all equal but some are more equal than others. Get used to it. :roll:

Mux and Mac Opening Weekend is just 22 sleeps away, you're all invited. 8)

Hey Snarf! Is that the Ministry? Mac, wake up!
Another beer, DeProp?

For urine purchase call 1-800-MUX-URIN

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 12:28 pm 
Walleye Wisdom

Joined: Thu May 09, 2002 2:32 pm
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Well put Mux...... Well put!!!! :)

On a side note, are they still spearing or is the run of eyes over?



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PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:32 pm 
Walleye Wisdom
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They were stll spearing Friday night when I went for a look, they were there at sunset then waited till after 830 before they went into the water. And one guy was with his son on the far side with a rod and reel trying to snag them.

All fishermen are liers except me and you and I’m not sure about you!!

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 5:00 pm 
Walleye Wisdom

Joined: Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:33 pm
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Wanna stir the pot? Grab a few Junker Vehicles , some old tires and set up blockades at entry points into reservation lands. Then when someone gets arrested lets see what the law does given the precedent when this has happened with the Natives being the agitators. You would think nothing , right? Whats good for the Goose should be good for the Gander......No?? I dare anyone. I'll bring the Marshmallows. :wink:

I fish because the voices in my head tell me to.

Ass Monkey

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 5:05 pm 
Walleye Master

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Ill be standing right behind the monkeyman lol

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