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 Post subject: Muzzleloader Advice
PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:04 am 
Walleye Wisdom
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Joined: Wed Dec 22, 2010 11:03 am
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Location: Seeley's Bay
Hi Guys:

I'm in the market for a smoke pole and wanted to get some advice from folks on the board in regard to brands and models. It will be used for whitetails, and at most will get used 3-5 days a year other than target practice. That being said, I don't really want to spend big bucks on it. If I do go big it will be for a TC Encore Pro Hunter, as I would still have the option of buying another barrel and have a centerfire as well, like a .300 win mag or 7mm rem mag. I'll have to get a price on the centerfire barrel, as if their almost as expensive as a new rifle I sure won't be going that way.

Would like to hear from anyone who has had experience with some of the more moderately priced muzzleloaders out there. Looking for something accurate to 125-150 yards, easy to clean and maintain. Any advice on powder and sabots welcomed as well.

If anyone has had expereince with the TC pro hunter I would like to hear what you think, and if you bought any other barrels for it.

Thanks in Advance,


Bruce Ogilvie

"Fish Hard, Hunt Hard, Live Hard"


 Post subject: Re: Muzzleloader Advice
PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:38 pm 
Walleye Master

Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:31 am
Posts: 3058
Location: Wellington Ontario
ok I use a 50 cal hawken with double set triggers and you actually have to pull back the hammer lol........ now THATS a muzzle loader. and ive taken over 20 deer with it. open sights............. modern day muzzle loaders kill me.......... its just a gun no challange and some like to call that primitive hunting. after all isnt that what a muzzle loader is suposed to be all about ?? . I can hit a one gallon milk jug every time at 100 yards. they sure are alot of fun to shoot.

 Post subject: Re: Muzzleloader Advice
PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:00 pm 
Walleye Master

Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:31 am
Posts: 3058
Location: Wellington Ontario
man I was only picking on you guys lol someone must know about these new muzzle loaders I have friends who used the new in lines and absolutly love them. they really are pretty amazing weapons. I just know nothing about them other than they smoke when you shoot them lol i know most my friends have changed the nipples so they will take the 209 shotgun primers . bigger better spark i guess! and man thouse pellets sure make the loading easy. and apparently there is compressed air you can get so you can blow the charge out without shooting and cleaning the rifle that sure must save alot of time and the end of a hunt.

 Post subject: Re: Muzzleloader Advice
PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 7:39 pm 
Walleye Wisdom
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Joined: Wed Dec 22, 2010 11:03 am
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Location: Seeley's Bay
Hey Grizz:

Is your Hawken a flintlock or percussion cap gun? While doing some research I was looking through the Thompson Center catalogue and see their current Hawken. Old style design with the best in new construction techniques. Heavy 28" octagon barrel, should shoot great groups. What vintage is yours? New Hawkin was about $950 plus tax, a little more than I was looking to spend.

Got some advice on different brands including TC, CVA, Traditions, Savage and Remington. So far I'm leaning toward the TC Impact. Reasonably priced, and same barrel as some of their higher priced options. Research indicates just over 2" groups at 100 yards with TC Shockwave 250 grain sabots and 100 grains of Triple Seven pellets. Of course it dosen't have the options like a speed breach plug, anti corrosive coating, and from what I've read the groups are not as consistant when you use magnum charges like 150 grains, trying to reach out there. Still I think it will be more than effective for my needs, and 80% of the deer I have harvested have been inside of 100 yards. Anyway it will get me in the game and If I want to upgrade later I can.

I was wondering how serious you were about the new style muzzleloaders. I'd noticed the pics of the deer you posted in the Trophy thread. That bow wasn't just a stick and string, I saw some cams on it, LOL. How big of a letoff? :lol: Some purists really get worked up about that stuff, but to me it's not as important what you use, just that you learn to shoot it well and stay within your effective range.

Still welcoming any input from the board. Thanks.

Bruce Ogilvie

"Fish Hard, Hunt Hard, Live Hard"


 Post subject: Re: Muzzleloader Advice
PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 8:53 pm 
Walleye Master

Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:31 am
Posts: 3058
Location: Wellington Ontario
Actually I bought my hawlken thru cabelas in 1987 I went on a black bear hunt in New Brunswick and a guy I went with used a muzzle loader I spend a day shooting it and loved it so much I came home and ordered it next day air lol...... its a sweat shooting gun really but like you most of my killing shots are well under 50 yards basically because i put myself in the bush on the trails just like i do with the bow!
Saying that i have killed a few does late season over 100 yards open sights in good conditions, wind, shooting light ect. I still love shooting it and believe it or not ill shoot it at targets over a rifle and be quite happy doing so, its right up there with plinking with a 22.. I used ffg pyrodex powder and you can get alot of shots out of a one pound can and ill cast the balls and use t-shits cut into patches . I do usually now hunt with the buffalo bullets they hit harder but a patched ball is usually better at shooting tight groups,.. My gun is also percussion ive never liked the pause of a flint lock and if you get good with one of them you can shoot ANYTHING! the lock and barrle are made by Lyman on my gun with very pretty italian wood double set triggers when set good you can just about breat on the trigger and she will fire........... One of my friends hunts with the remington and another uses a TC in line, I dont get reved up on the new in lines so ive just never paid much attention to the makes and modles they have out there and I know they have many to choose from. but like you said bottom line is learn to use what you have and you cant go wrong , there is many trials and tributes to using an old school muzzle loader and if things can go wrong they will but to me thats just what makes it so great and rewording when all the things fall into place and you get what your out there hunting for .
As for archery I shot my first deer with a bow at age 15 an old bear recurve ceder arrows and hand sharpened broadhead that you glued onto the shafts lol. and i shot competitive archery for years both indoor and out 3d targets there was a time i could shoot 4 inch groups at 60 yards all day long and to this day i still draw and shoot with fingers instead of a reliece. the bow i use now and for the past 15 years is a 75 pound with 65% let off once i quit competitive archery I setteled on this bow for hunting and have killed many deer with it and bear and turkeys, squrrell, rabbits, grouse wood chucks lol I love to hunt fish trap you name it but i have to say older ive gotten less im into killing often the chase is better than the kill but i do love the jerkey so kill i must lol . a wise man once said. There is a place for all gods creatures..... right next to the potatoes and gravy!

 Post subject: Re: Muzzleloader Advice
PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 6:50 am 
Walleye Master
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Joined: Wed May 16, 2007 12:13 pm
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Amen to that.


 Post subject: Re: Muzzleloader Advice
PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:47 am 

Joined: Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:45 pm
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And I like alot of tater's and gravy................lol

 Post subject: Re: Muzzleloader Advice
PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 11:17 am 
Walleye Angler

Joined: Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:34 pm
Posts: 270
TC all the way. 2 be honest I have a Endeavor and wish I bought the omega or Pro hunter. I bought the Endeavor thinking I would buy a a 2nd barrel for it. Not worth it buy a complete gun, if you want another cal.

 Post subject: Re: Muzzleloader Advice
PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:22 pm 

Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:20 am
Posts: 36
Location: Trenton
I have the CVA Wolf...$190 brand new at canadian tire in belleville. I love it. Shoots 3 inch groups at 100yds, and is capable of magnum loads. Its value far exceeds its price!

I was in the same boat, I wanted a front stuffer but I didnt know much about them. The guys at CT showed me this one and I was in love. You can buy the entire package which comes with a scope, bullets cleaning kit, bullet starter...etc for around $250.

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