Hey Grizz:
Is your Hawken a flintlock or percussion cap gun? While doing some research I was looking through the Thompson Center catalogue and see their current Hawken. Old style design with the best in new construction techniques. Heavy 28" octagon barrel, should shoot great groups. What vintage is yours? New Hawkin was about $950 plus tax, a little more than I was looking to spend.
Got some advice on different brands including TC, CVA, Traditions, Savage and Remington. So far I'm leaning toward the TC Impact. Reasonably priced, and same barrel as some of their higher priced options. Research indicates just over 2" groups at 100 yards with TC Shockwave 250 grain sabots and 100 grains of Triple Seven pellets. Of course it dosen't have the options like a speed breach plug, anti corrosive coating, and from what I've read the groups are not as consistant when you use magnum charges like 150 grains, trying to reach out there. Still I think it will be more than effective for my needs, and 80% of the deer I have harvested have been inside of 100 yards. Anyway it will get me in the game and If I want to upgrade later I can.
I was wondering how serious you were about the new style muzzleloaders. I'd noticed the pics of the deer you posted in the Trophy thread. That bow wasn't just a stick and string, I saw some cams on it, LOL. How big of a letoff?

Some purists really get worked up about that stuff, but to me it's not as important what you use, just that you learn to shoot it well and stay within your effective range.
Still welcoming any input from the board. Thanks.
Bruce Ogilvie
"Fish Hard, Hunt Hard, Live Hard"