Well after hunting this particular buck for a month. I finally beleive it or not got a shot at this buck on Wednesday afternoon , but my arrow found a 4 inch maple instead. The buck after the shot ran off for 60 yards and then slowly walked off. Hopefully I was thinking at the time that he was not to spooked from the noise .
So Saturday afternoon had me sitting in my stand 3:00 p.m. Then at about 4:30 I could hear foot steps in the leaves and a 1.5 year old little 8 pointer was heading my way. I could see another deer in the distance heading my way also. And after a few minutes I could see it was the deer I was after. Then the nervous shakes hit hard. It is funny how you can be warm one minute then you see a 12 point rack heading your way and you instantly become freezing. I was shaking and freezing all the same time. He slowly made his way to me and at about 15 yards I let him have it ( this time I made sure no tree's in the way ) I hit him perfectly right behind the shoulder double lungs. He ran off to about 40 yards and stood there before he got wabbly and fell over. I was so excited I did not even think about gettin down because I am sure I would have just walked right off of my stand, So once I was composed after about 30 minutes later I carefully got down to put my hands on him. I walked over to where he lay and I was so happy to have harvested the buck that I had hunted so hard for over a month now. When I got him home I weighed him , and he came in at 222 pounds even. All in all I was very happy with the buck and very glad it was the buck that I really wanted.