Well today was the first day I could make back to fish this way in awhile. I was very excited thinking we might hook a big walleye today. We managed to fish 3 hours in my little ranger today before getting blown off.
I'm mostly a kawartha guy. The waves Tina and I tackled today were by far the biggest I have experienced. Today was definitely for the guys in the big boats.
Speaking of big boats I would like to thank the fella that help Tina hold the boat from banging the rocks while I went to get my trailer to pull the boat out. That was very kind THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I HOPE YOU GUYS NAILED THEM TODAY
As for the fishing. The water temp was 48. We started the day trolling a Dr. Death and a new firetiger deep diving tail dancer. The package says it will dive 30'.
I ran both at 100' back from the planner board to start and the board was run 100' from the boat. After an hour I decided to just flat line it because I think it was to rough for them and extend the length to 150' back. trolled for another 1/2 hour with no hits. So I extend each bait back to 175'.
20 minutes later I got my first and last hit. We got her 50' from the boat and the hook came loose and we lost her

Next year the mono is coming off and being replaced with a superline. I haven't trolled with mono for a very long time. I really think we lost it because I couldn't get a solid hook set.
We continued to troll for another 1/2 hour and called it a day because the waves were coming over our bow
I might make it out tomorrow if I can convince Tina to let me sneak of for a few hours LOL! Everybody be safe tomorrow if the wind continues. It was crazy rough today.