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Fishing Reports for the Bay of Quinte
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 12:49 pm 

Joined: Sat May 12, 2007 12:50 pm
Posts: 123
Location: Napanee
assmonkey wrote:
:lol: It's right next to your whine come the spring Walleye run, er I mean slaughter. Every spring the bitch and moan session drones on and on and all everyone wants to do is the diplomatic eggshell tiptoe chicken shite dance. And I'm the one that makes no sense. Sheesh!! Are spears and nets much easier to ignore? We can't have it both ways but I guess taking it bent over all these years we're just become numb to the pain. White liberal guilt drives me insane.

So, what you are saying is, the average citizen who witnesses a violation should "inform and educate" the person committing the violation rather than use law enforcement to correct the wrong. You are then saying that it is not worth enforcing the laws against the individual offender because it is a drop in the bucket compared to what you claim are egregious violations by commercial fishermen and natives. Further, you claim that all of this "ratting and enforcement" is nonsense because "we" have paid too much in taxes which should have been aimed at the fisheries but have not been allocated there, and that the average citizen would not want to become involved in the enforcement of the laws they see being broken because they would be paying twice for enforcement. Have I got it right?

I'm not sure if you are suggesting that the average citizen should act or not act. I'm pretty sure you are pointing out that the COs are picking on the regular joes who are minor offenders while the same officers turn the other cheek to those who are committing offenses on an "industrial scale. Some pretty bold assertions there all seemingly legitimate, but not backed up with facts. I'm willing to be with you on this issue, but dude you gotta give me more than a rant to go with.

The native and commercial fishing have been around for centuries in Ontario. I would have to believe that the commercial fishery is highly regulated and controlled. In fact, I have watched some commercial fishermen in the Quinte area and seen them clear their nets, all while throwing back fish that they were not allowed or had not intended to catch. A small sample size, I know, but they didn't know I was watching. I have no knowledge of the native fishing issue other than it sure riles up the dander of people on this board. Yet, I still catch fish almost every time I'm out and I understand that the fishery in this area is quite strong, despite the "slaughter" you say is occurring.

So, give me some more info if you can because I'm not really sure what you are angry about and if it is something I should be concerned with. Oh yeah, I'm probably going to "rat" on an offender for the simple fact that it is the right thing to do and that an unchecked offender will often continue to offend until stopped. If I can save one fish....

"A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very very dangerous man who has his capacity for mayhem under voluntary control."

"(B)e wary of discarding the ancient system where we all have the right to make our own decisions for one in which we all have the right to make each others, in the hope of finding true human fulfillment through “positive” rights to other people’s money and applause?"

PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 5:17 pm 
Walleye Master

Joined: Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:42 am
Posts: 1047
I've got you back assmonkey, I'll be back after this beer and company leaves, to comment.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 6:44 pm 
Walleye Wisdom

Joined: Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:28 am
Posts: 528
I'm out lol.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 11:03 pm 
Walleye Wisdom

Joined: Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:33 pm
Posts: 512
Hehehehe. Everyone should follow the same rules. Everyone!!! I don't care what colour or creed you are or however long you've been planted here and I am tired of listening of the unending entitlements from every down trodden whoa is me group that continually reaches into my pockets just because they can and the fact we do nothing to stem the tide makes me sad. Get it?

As for the Blitzes of every kind? They are all the same sham. If they worked they wouldn't need to carry on with them.

You want to do your part as a law abiding citizen, I commend your loyalty to an establishment that has not done justice to our sport. They just tow the line, collect a cheque and when pressed on the issues they just shrug their shoulders and tell us "There's nothing more we can do". That's horseshite and many of us know it. I'm just Ass enough to say it.

I fish because the voices in my head tell me to.

Ass Monkey

PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 7:45 am 
Walleye Wisdom

Joined: Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:33 pm
Posts: 512
I will beat up the current model. Do you honestly think the thieves.... I mean leaders of the old model are going to feed you a new one? Dreaming in technicolor WW. Hell, the last reg book they printed had to carry over a second year. WTF was that all about??? And if you believe their excuses... I mean reasons, I worry for you.

Petitions are signed all the time and maybe its time for anglers and hunters across Ontario to unite and show the power we have as a group . Social media can be a powerful tool and even though I think its childish for the most part it can be used as a platform to initiate change instead of using it as a "fifteen minutes of fame selfie ad". $4700 in fines? Compared to what it cost from fueling up the publicly owned vehicles to paying the hydro bill at the courthouse, it was an absolute joke.

I thought most humans were been blessed with the gift of speech that allows us to broach issues with tact in an attempt to resolve them without the threat of violence unlike regular animals. As for manning up? I don't live out your way so once the fishing turns south I'll just move to another area until it sucks so bad all over that I retire from the sport and take up basket weaving or start up my own Meth Lab.

By the way. MNR CO's aren't just cops in green. Standard issue cops can't undress you of all your possessions and leave you naked in the street for not wearing your seat belt.

I fish because the voices in my head tell me to.

Ass Monkey

PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 5:28 pm 
Walleye Master

Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:31 am
Posts: 3058
Location: Wellington Ontario
To Rat or not to Rat this is the question....Co .s have a tough job and its hard to be in that perfect spot at the perfect time to catch the perfect crime in prosess, but saying that it is there job along with all the other bull crap they have too do. like peper work... i am sure they can always use a little help who cant in there jobs ? i have a roof to put on and could use a lil help too lol
If you see a crime in progress the choice is yours call or dont call. what i see the most is people always talking about crap like this be it snatching,over limit,illeagle nets would you not think to yourself if its this common, and so easy to see then it also would be really easy for the authorities to catch many more then they actually do ?? even without our help???
so....... they do a BLITZ.... catch 21 people . hey thats great whats not to like about that ?? but saying that .... I say thats old news, now go out tomarrow and catch another 21 people. should be easy since so many people will comment on how bad it is, and how much wrong is being done out there. The crime isnt just in someone catching one too many fish. how about a person littering ? stripping line in the water ? cleaning a fish before he comes to shore ? eating a shore lunch forgetting its part of your daily limit ? using extra lines while fishing? there is so many laws so many reasons to get a ticket so many reasons to be able to take your gear your truck your boat so much power.............. where do we draw the line ?
Archie Bunker has the answer......... best way to stop airplane jacking is to give every passanger a gun as they board the plane....... who in there right mind is going to hyjack a plane when everyone on board has a gun ?
....... Hummm........ maybe thats what 1-800- squeel is intending ????
I ask . please do not discriminate on Race, Creed,or colour, fair is fair, law is law. YOU MAKE THE COICE!
NOW! Back to our reguler scedualed movie. The OSmond Brothers... Staring The Jackson Five!

PostPosted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 6:41 am 
Walleye Fry

Joined: Wed Oct 04, 2006 7:57 am
Posts: 59
Location: sturgeon lake !!! kawarthas
WalleyeWonder wrote:
I think the enforcement is great and very needed.... all u have to do is be there when the slaughter takes place to understand why it's needed.... and I hate snitches more than almost anything.... but when it comes to some of the people that "fish" those waters illegally and are ignorant and aggressive when confronted about their fishing method. I would gladly take out 5-6 guys on the bank by myself , but hardly worth the jail time. So instead its walk away and ignore, or call someone they cant backtalk..... I can't see something wrong and not do something... I can't let them live on all happy and get away with it...... they have to pay!

Just like idiots ice fishing without etiquette, wish there was someone to enforce that...... then I wouldn't have to break faces LOL

i agree !!!!

PostPosted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 11:59 am 
Walleye Wisdom

Joined: Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:33 pm
Posts: 512
I agree as well. Never faulted the CO's as to lay it all at their feet. The bastards that give them their marching orders are the ones I'm pissed at. They should have a lot more CO's patrolling every spot they possibly can everyday and if they would use the funds designated to the ministry to guard and enhance our resource, it can be done. Why the hell does everyone think this illegal crap goes on unabated day in and day out???? Cause people play the numbers and the odds are in favour for those who wish to commit that illegal crap. There again I ask why should I do their job for them when they drop the ball continuously and never have to answer for any of it???

A group of people can walk down the Gardiner Expressway, effectively shutting it down during the morning rush and there is no action taken by the authorities other than to shield them from the traffic. As middle aged white guys are we too afraid or just too stupid to figure that out?

Keep running in the same circle till you just die from sheer exhaustion. Owned a dog like that once. What a damn shame.

I fish because the voices in my head tell me to.

Ass Monkey

Last edited by assmonkey on Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:13 pm 
Walleye Wisdom

Joined: Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:33 pm
Posts: 512
The silence speaks volumes

I fish because the voices in my head tell me to.

Ass Monkey

PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:48 am 
Walleye Wisdom

Joined: Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:33 pm
Posts: 512
Ya. True enough. Why continue? We can't change anything anyway so why bother trying. (Shoulder shrug accompanied by head shake). Sad indeed.

I fish because the voices in my head tell me to.

Ass Monkey

PostPosted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:45 am 
Walleye Angler

Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2002 7:52 pm
Posts: 275
Location: Brooklin, ON
Well, it's easy to see who understands the bigger picture in play with how enforcement works and who doesn't. There are many ways for us anglers to work cooperatively with the MNR to 'get the job done'. Walleye Angler, you're entitled to your view as cynical as it might be, but yours doesn't assist anyone in helping to preserve our great natural resource in the province. Any method that allows proper enforcement to take place in our streams, rivers and lakes (as long as it is legal enforcement) is a good thing. Yes, education and awareness are a constant need, but you and I have a responsbility as users of the resource to get involved, not sit back as armchair quarterbacks. Get to know your local CO and understand the challenges he/she faces in doing their job. They appreciate the assistance from joe public. You need to take a drive west and see what cooperation and partnership are accomplishing in the northern shore tribs over the past 6 weeks...IE. As already mentioned in the start of the thread, CO's and Northumberland Police working cooperatively to enforce MNR regulations along the Ganaraska River. Durham Regional police working together to enforce new sanctuary regulations that are protecting longer stretches both upstream and downstream of the Goodyear Dam in Bowmanville, allowing the 1000's of chinook salmon that can't get around the Goodyear Dam to await a helping hand from dozens and dozens of volunteer fisherman and just good old fashioned caring citizens coming to help out with the fish lift. 9000 chinook salmon, coho salmon, browns and 'bows have made it further upstream to finish their spawning ritual and put 1000's of salmon back into Lake O for us to fish for. Anglers just walking sections of streams full of spawning salmon to act as 'guardians', explaining the regulations to people, and building awareness of where they can fish or not. Or the couple dozen volunteers who travelled out to the Credit River last week, to assist the MNR with the chinook egg collection that will eventually provide the 550K young chinook that will be stocked into Lake O next spring. Or, how about the volunteers from Metro East Anglers who showed up at the Ringwood Fish Culture station at 7am on their Saturday morning to load and drive 5000 juvenile brown trout (raised by volunteers) all the way out to Athol Bay near Wellington for a stocking run, then made 3 runs with 30,000 juvenile coho's (also raised by MEA volunteers) out and back to the Credit River where 1000's of coho's have returned this fall to provide eggs so even more Coho's can be stocked next fall. I neglected to mention that the number of Coho in the Credit in 2006 was zero. See where I'm coming from...criticism without some positive action accomplishes nothing. I'm the first to jump up and down and say something stinks with our government and their continued gutting of our MNR. We could go on and on about what's wrong with what's going on around us, but times are changing and there's nothing wrong with looking at things differently and using some of the technology that's at our disposal to help our limited enforcement resources within MNR do their job and for pete's sake get involved. We're all the better for it...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:42 am 

Joined: Sat May 12, 2007 12:50 pm
Posts: 123
Location: Napanee
Weedman wrote:
Well, it's easy to see who understands the bigger picture in play with how enforcement works and who doesn't. There are many ways for us anglers to work cooperatively with the MNR to 'get the job done'. Walleye Angler, you're entitled to your view as cynical as it might be, but yours doesn't assist anyone in helping to preserve our great natural resource in the province. Any method that allows proper enforcement to take place in our streams, rivers and lakes (as long as it is legal enforcement) is a good thing. Yes, education and awareness are a constant need, but you and I have a responsbility as users of the resource to get involved, not sit back as armchair quarterbacks. Get to know your local CO and understand the challenges he/she faces in doing their job. They appreciate the assistance from joe public. You need to take a drive west and see what cooperation and partnership are accomplishing in the northern shore tribs over the past 6 weeks...IE. As already mentioned in the start of the thread, CO's and Northumberland Police working cooperatively to enforce MNR regulations along the Ganaraska River. Durham Regional police working together to enforce new sanctuary regulations that are protecting longer stretches both upstream and downstream of the Goodyear Dam in Bowmanville, allowing the 1000's of chinook salmon that can't get around the Goodyear Dam to await a helping hand from dozens and dozens of volunteer fisherman and just good old fashioned caring citizens coming to help out with the fish lift. 9000 chinook salmon, coho salmon, browns and 'bows have made it further upstream to finish their spawning ritual and put 1000's of salmon back into Lake O for us to fish for. Anglers just walking sections of streams full of spawning salmon to act as 'guardians', explaining the regulations to people, and building awareness of where they can fish or not. Or the couple dozen volunteers who travelled out to the Credit River last week, to assist the MNR with the chinook egg collection that will eventually provide the 550K young chinook that will be stocked into Lake O next spring. Or, how about the volunteers from Metro East Anglers who showed up at the Ringwood Fish Culture station at 7am on their Saturday morning to load and drive 5000 juvenile brown trout (raised by volunteers) all the way out to Athol Bay near Wellington for a stocking run, then made 3 runs with 30,000 juvenile coho's (also raised by MEA volunteers) out and back to the Credit River where 1000's of coho's have returned this fall to provide eggs so even more Coho's can be stocked next fall. I neglected to mention that the number of Coho in the Credit in 2006 was zero. See where I'm coming from...criticism without some positive action accomplishes nothing. I'm the first to jump up and down and say something stinks with our government and their continued gutting of our MNR. We could go on and on about what's wrong with what's going on around us, but times are changing and there's nothing wrong with looking at things differently and using some of the technology that's at our disposal to help our limited enforcement resources within MNR do their job and for pete's sake get involved. We're all the better for it...

Good post. And a great example of something that has been lost in Canada... a person or people taking responsibility, accountability and expressing excellent self reliance on finding a solution for a problem and not expecting the gov'ment to fix it. Good on them.

For those of you who care, the above is an example of something that most current Canadian governments at all levels hate; people finding their own solutions to problems or issues they encounter. The current government model in Canada is very statist in my opinion, meaning that they want to be relied upon and in control of public issues because it builds a community of reliance on gov. programs and controls. This leads to the creation of laws and regulations to enshrine government control on issues and people and all of the trappings that go with this type of control (i.e. higher taxes, the ability to limit access, information gathering through licencing etc. etc.) I think more people should become this involved in finding solutions to issues instead of walking away saying "what a shame. The government should really do something about this."

"A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very very dangerous man who has his capacity for mayhem under voluntary control."

"(B)e wary of discarding the ancient system where we all have the right to make our own decisions for one in which we all have the right to make each others, in the hope of finding true human fulfillment through “positive” rights to other people’s money and applause?"

PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:35 pm 
Walleye Master

Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:31 am
Posts: 3058
Location: Wellington Ontario
all I can say is be carefull what you wish for whistle blowing has already caused a big stink in many ways are we the ones who draw the line or is it them ? what seems perfectly harmless to one person becomes a huge crime to another person . simple example. back when i was young it was nothing for a parent to paddle a kids butt for steping out of line now days people are litterly afraid to scold there children in such a way and look whats happened ...... now days someone looking out the window who does not approve calls and you have child protective services at your door step. and they HAVE to act and report in fear of there jobs. yes there is bad people who abuse children. but where or who is the one who draws that line?? this ,ight not be the best example but none the less it is one that has changes how society works......... has anyone called in on there neighbor for watering there lawn when they were on a restriction??? back yard fires ? how about someone with bald tires on there car ?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 8:20 pm 
Walleye Wisdom

Joined: Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:33 pm
Posts: 512
Weedman wrote:
Well, it's easy to see who understands the bigger picture in play with how enforcement works and who doesn't. There are many ways for us anglers to work cooperatively with the MNR to 'get the job done'. Walleye Angler, you're entitled to your view as cynical as it might be, but yours doesn't assist anyone in helping to preserve our great natural resource in the province. Any method that allows proper enforcement to take place in our streams, rivers and lakes (as long as it is legal enforcement) is a good thing. Yes, education and awareness are a constant need, but you and I have a responsbility as users of the resource to get involved, not sit back as armchair quarterbacks. Get to know your local CO and understand the challenges he/she faces in doing their job. They appreciate the assistance from joe public. You need to take a drive west and see what cooperation and partnership are accomplishing in the northern shore tribs over the past 6 weeks...IE. As already mentioned in the start of the thread, CO's and Northumberland Police working cooperatively to enforce MNR regulations along the Ganaraska River. Durham Regional police working together to enforce new sanctuary regulations that are protecting longer stretches both upstream and downstream of the Goodyear Dam in Bowmanville, allowing the 1000's of chinook salmon that can't get around the Goodyear Dam to await a helping hand from dozens and dozens of volunteer fisherman and just good old fashioned caring citizens coming to help out with the fish lift. 9000 chinook salmon, coho salmon, browns and 'bows have made it further upstream to finish their spawning ritual and put 1000's of salmon back into Lake O for us to fish for. Anglers just walking sections of streams full of spawning salmon to act as 'guardians', explaining the regulations to people, and building awareness of where they can fish or not. Or the couple dozen volunteers who travelled out to the Credit River last week, to assist the MNR with the chinook egg collection that will eventually provide the 550K young chinook that will be stocked into Lake O next spring. Or, how about the volunteers from Metro East Anglers who showed up at the Ringwood Fish Culture station at 7am on their Saturday morning to load and drive 5000 juvenile brown trout (raised by volunteers) all the way out to Athol Bay near Wellington for a stocking run, then made 3 runs with 30,000 juvenile coho's (also raised by MEA volunteers) out and back to the Credit River where 1000's of coho's have returned this fall to provide eggs so even more Coho's can be stocked next fall. I neglected to mention that the number of Coho in the Credit in 2006 was zero. See where I'm coming from...criticism without some positive action accomplishes nothing. I'm the first to jump up and down and say something stinks with our government and their continued gutting of our MNR. We could go on and on about what's wrong with what's going on around us, but times are changing and there's nothing wrong with looking at things differently and using some of the technology that's at our disposal to help our limited enforcement resources within MNR do their job and for pete's sake get involved. We're all the better for it...

Points well made and understood but it starts at the top and if we don't get involved at that level we are doomed. Billions upon billions wasted to prop up a band of thieving trolls (Political Hacks) who should be serving us instead of their own interests while we pay through the ass at every turn for little to nothing in return. When I require a new roof I do some research, get a few estimates and based on the info I have amassed try to make the best decision I can that will benefit my family with whom I am entrusted to protect and serve. It doesn't always work out 100% but I do my best. I pay taxes and fees to people who are entrusted to serve and protect our resources and in the end I have to do their work for them because they continually squander our hard earned money on who knows what??? You are all correct in assuming I must be some kind of lunatic. What the hell was I thinking???

Over the past decade I have averaged a net income of lets say $60,000 a year. That's $600,000. In that same time frame they have thrown billions into the wind. BILLIONS!!!! I'm not the bad guy and I won't play one for them either. Names Seb not Patsy.

I fish because the voices in my head tell me to.

Ass Monkey

PostPosted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 2:00 pm 
Walleye Angler

Joined: Mon Apr 15, 2002 7:52 pm
Posts: 275
Location: Brooklin, ON
Hey Seb, I totally get where you're coming from...all I'm saying is even if there's the ability for us to play a small part in a solution, then let's do it. I get the cynicism, the government often makes it easy for us to lean that way. Alot of it comes down to how we choose to react. And, let's face it, we do need those who jump and down and scream blue murder to keep people accountable. Case in point, the latest numbers on the Oakville and Mississauga gas plant cancellations. Now, that might not be the best example, as my understanding is there's one being built down that way. But pissing away 1.1B in such an irrespsonsible manner, some heads need to roll. And, all this as the Liberals work to slowly apply the knife to MNR budgets and staff. Yes, it's criminal.

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